The arena where you will be training your horse is an important part of the experience. The size of the arena and its features will affect your horse’s performance and comfort level. The correct size and layout will make it easier for you to ride and give your horse the best experience possible. The size of the arena will vary depending on the discipline. For example, in showjumping the arena is typically smaller than in dressage. The correct size can help improve performance and increase the rider’s confidence. The wrong size, on the other hand, may cause stress and frustration and may even lead to injury if not properly set up. The table below details the average sizes for the most common venues.

Dressage Arena

The dressage arena should be at least 20 meters wide, but this can vary depending on the size of the arena. The optimal arena width for dressage is between 20 and 25 meters. A wide arena will make it easier for the horse to move freely and will help you stay centered. A narrow arena may cause the horse to move too close to the rail and make it difficult to ride with leg aids. It will also make it more difficult to turn the horse on the diagonal. A wide arena will make it easier to turn and give you more space to make adjustments.

Show-Jumping Arena

The show-jumping arena should be at least 16 meters wide, but this can vary depending on the size of the arena. The optimal arena width for show-jumping is between 16 and 20 meters. A wide arena will make it easier for the horse to move freely and will help you stay centered. A narrow arena may cause the horse to move too close to the rail and make it difficult to ride with leg aids. It will also make it more difficult to turn the horse on the diagonal. A wide arena will make it easier to turn and give you more space to make adjustments.

Western Arena

The Western arena should be at least 16 meters wide, but this can vary depending on the size of the arena. The optimal arena width for Western is between 16 and 20 meters. A wide arena will make it easier for the horse to move freely and will help you stay centered. A narrow arena may cause the horse to move too close to the rail and make it difficult to ride with leg aids. It will also make it more difficult to turn the horse on the diagonal. A wide arena will make it easier to turn and give you more space to make adjustments.

Cross-Country Arena

The cross-country arena should be at least 16 meters wide, but this can vary depending on the size of the arena. The optimal arena width for cross-country is between 16 and 20 meters. A wide arena will make it easier for the horse to move freely and will help you stay centered. A narrow arena may cause the horse to move too close to the rail and make it difficult to ride with leg aids. It will also make it more difficult to turn the horse on the diagonal. A wide arena will make it easier to turn and give you more space to make adjustments.


The size of the arena will affect your horse’s performance and level of comfort. The correct size can help improve performance and increase the rider’s confidence. The wrong size, on the other hand, may cause stress and frustration and may even lead to injury if not properly set up. The table above details the average sizes for the most common venues.

Frequently Asked Question

The standard length of a dressage arena is 20 x 40 metres or 20 x 60 metres
The size of dressage arena used in competition is normally 20 x 60 metres
Dressage Arenas vary greatly in price. A basic arena can cost up to £40,000, with large indoor arenas costing up to £1 Million.
A dressage arena is a rectangle area (20 metres by 60 metres) normally constructed with a surface of silica sand mixed with a polyester blend which is enclosed by a wooden or plastic fence. Training arenas normally allow letters to be placed around the arena to assist a rider with learning the correct places to turn.